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How To Heal Your Body, Mind And Spirit Fast!

Updated on July 1, 2019
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Robert Morgan "Bobby" is a holistic practitioner, master herbalist, iridologist, colonic therapist, author, and international lecturer.

“Whatever we think on, we become. Wherever we put our attention on, those things will develop.” ~ Bobby Morgan
“Whatever we think on, we become. Wherever we put our attention on, those things will develop.” ~ Bobby Morgan

Tina Turner... “What’s Love Got To Do With It?” Everything!

Love is amazing, listing loves attributes could fill dozens of pages. It's love that keeps us centered and connected with each other; without love in our lives we feel depressed, lost and disconnected.

For some of us, when growing up there was no one to teach us, how to love and be loved. We spent much of our life "looking for love in all the wrong places". So, now it's up to us to learn how to love and be loved. The best thing about love is that it's here for the asking, and it starts with us having an intention for love to fill our hearts.

If we begin to see ourselves as being a loving hearted person, we will soon find ourselves being that person. Directing our thoughts towards being a loving person brings us new insights as to how we to better treat ourselves, our fellow man, and all sentient beings.

Just by keeping the desire to be a loving hearted person at the forefront of our minds, will stir up our passions and emotions, so that having a loving heart becomes as natural as breathing. We find ourselves literally inhaling love with every breath and making ourselves into the person we were always meant to be.

Forgiveness is a natural out-pouring of a loving heart.
Forgiveness is a natural out-pouring of a loving heart. | Source

“Tell me to what you pay attention and I will tell you who you are.” ~Jose Ortega y Gassett…

As we greet each morning we remember who we are and our purpose for being on this earth. We are being born anew, given another day so that we can be the essence of love. Our intentions are set on being loving hearted, its love we bring with us into the world, it's what we have become. It does not matter who we were yesterday, it only matters who we are now! Love heals past hurts and pain, it's the great game changer, freeing us up to be the person we were always meant to be.

When all of our intentions are on having loving hearts, we find forgiveness for ourselves and others to be as natural as breathing. We know in our heart-of-hearts, the deepest part of our beings, our sins and failing are always committed in ignorance. Understanding this allows us to free ourselves from self-pity and blame and to love unconditionally; freeing every other human being of their failings and any judgement we may have had of them.

It was Jesus who said "Father forgive them they know not what they do". So,with the dawning of each day we awake, breathing in love, forgiving ourselves for what we have done in ignorance and forgiving those who have hurt us by their acts of ignorance. Yes, we are free, free, free at last to breathe in love, to be love, to give love.

The moment you wake up, a new day is beginning, you smile, realizing the power within.

With every breath we take, we are changing every aspect of our being; we are becoming something anew, we are manifesting something anew, our thoughts and words affect ourselves and the world around us.

When we are focused on being loving hearted, we become a safe harbor, a place of welcomeness, a place of peace. As loving hearted people, we are no longer consumed with ourselves. Instead, we are filled with a new spirit that transcends time and space; empowering us to heal ourselves physically, spiritually and emotionally. Our love becomes so profound, that where ever we go we find we are the love that heals the sick, comforts the brokenhearted, empowers the powerless, and enables the miraculous.

Is there any other way to love?
Is there any other way to love? | Source

A Simple Loving Meditation..."Breath in Love!"

"Breathing in Love" is something all of us can do without any training. It is what we naturally desire to do. There are no rules or gurus to follow. As we focus our minds, and "breathe in love", we become the presence of love, the manifestation of love, we quickly are able to identify our actual purpose, "breathing in love" becomes oxygen to our spirits, we know we have found our birthright.

"When I think of Mercy, I see myself  right inside the other person's skin, I stay there until I can see things with his, or her eyes, think his or her thoughts, and feel his or her sufferings. Then I  am able to be truly loving and merciful."
"When I think of Mercy, I see myself right inside the other person's skin, I stay there until I can see things with his, or her eyes, think his or her thoughts, and feel his or her sufferings. Then I am able to be truly loving and merciful." | Source
"Reconciliation for me, is a chance to restore the good that was lost. We start fresh, each person filled with mercy, reestablishes themselves, seeing the world through the each others eyes. We are now one in Spirit, all our sins are forgotten."
"Reconciliation for me, is a chance to restore the good that was lost. We start fresh, each person filled with mercy, reestablishes themselves, seeing the world through the each others eyes. We are now one in Spirit, all our sins are forgotten." | Source
"When I am patient, I wait with a calm and loving spirit. Hoping and for the very best outcome for all who are affected by the circumstances. My patients is secure in the love of my creator and I feel gentle like a dove."
"When I am patient, I wait with a calm and loving spirit. Hoping and for the very best outcome for all who are affected by the circumstances. My patients is secure in the love of my creator and I feel gentle like a dove." | Source
"Being in harmony with my fellowman and all creation resonates at the highest of vibrations for me. My highest  intention is to be loving, kind, and patient towards all mankind. Turning my cheek and seeing, through their eyes"
"Being in harmony with my fellowman and all creation resonates at the highest of vibrations for me. My highest intention is to be loving, kind, and patient towards all mankind. Turning my cheek and seeing, through their eyes" | Source
This word is difficult, unless it's breathed with love. It's difficult for me to speak about it, because its very personal, I can only share the experience of humbleness, within the framework of being humility itself. Pray I am always ready."
This word is difficult, unless it's breathed with love. It's difficult for me to speak about it, because its very personal, I can only share the experience of humbleness, within the framework of being humility itself. Pray I am always ready." | Source

A New Paradigm - Breathing In Love

Five years ago at our healing center, I found myself, and many of my students, clients and friends were able to enter quickly into a state that enabled us to maintain loving hearts. By just taking a few minutes each day to focus on "breathing in loving thoughts, we began to experience a complete change in our lives. It's almost hard to belive how easy it was for us to enter into a state of loving bliss.

Anyone can do this, breathing in love takes no special skill. It as easy as taking a loving breath in and when exhaling, focusing on and attribute of love that came into our mind.

When we did this loving meditation as a group, I believe it manifested itself and did what love does best... healing bodies, minds, and spirits, empowering the meditators to not only experience receiving pure unconditional love, but allowing each of them to be conduits of love as it flowed to every other meditator in the room. It was as if all of us were born again in the midst of unconditional love, so powerful that it broke down evey barrie and carried us all across time and space.

“Suffer not the little children to come to me” ~ Jesus Christ… It’s amazing what a beautiful effect "breathing in love" has on us; it is as if we almost become like children, freely giving love and receiving love without conditions. Not like the love of the world, but the purest love of creation.

Examples Of Attributes Of Love: "I breathe out...."

Here are some suggested attributes of unconditional love. You may want to use some of them to start with and add to them as you go along. For this exercise, all you need to do is say: "I Breathe in Love" and as you breathe out state one, or as many of loves attributes that your heart desires.

  • Thankfulness
  • Kindness


  • Compassion

  • Joy

  • Patients

  • Healing

  • Calmness

  • Cheerfulness

  • Alertness

  • Forgiveness

  • Acceptance

  • Goodness

  • Calmness

  • Stillness

  • Honesty

  • Hopefulness

  • Wisdom

  • Gentleness

  • Mercy

  • Grace

  • Peace

Some of the practical aspects of "Breathing in Love" with every breath are...

  • Love accepts what the moment is.

  • Love is joyously waiting on others, to come along at their pace.

  • Love is embracing all creation with the deepest reverence.

  • Love prays the best of everything to come to every creature.

  • Love provides prosperity for every creature as required.

  • Love kneels first and gives unconditionally.

  • Love gives bows and honors all creation keeping no records of deeds.

  • Love regards all life as part of the creators family.

  • Love is compassionate towards every creature.

  • Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

"May these spiritual attributes accompany our every breath. Filling our hearts with love that overflows and fills in loveless valleys, in the world."
"May these spiritual attributes accompany our every breath. Filling our hearts with love that overflows and fills in loveless valleys, in the world." | Source

Three things will last forever faith, hope, and love and the greatest of these is love. ~ Saul-St.Paul

Focusing on the presence of love, and honoring its attributes, enables us to completely immerse ourselves in the present moment. By our being here and now, we find all we need for our immediate happiness, and yes even eternal life is found.

Throughout most of our lives many of us have tried to find perfect balance, first to love, and accept ourselves and to be in harmony with mankind, all living creatures, the environment and our universe. In our search for a perfectly balanced life, filled with love, peace, and harmony, we have had to traverse many different roads, many of which led us further from our true selves,

Breathing in love returns us to our true selves. The wonderful part of practicing "Breathing in Love" is that it encompasses and incorporates all that we have learned from our life experiences. It brings them into one single breath, the breath that sustains us now and for all eternity. The breath, of unconditional love.

Final Thoughts

Finally, when doing the Breathe In Love meditation, just be with yourself, you can let every thought arise. Yes, we let all thoughts come to us without judgment, for they are only thoughts and they have no form, or power except what we give them. So, we choose to love every thought, as we smile to ourselves and say thank you, thank you, thank you for these thoughts.

Our hearts rejoice as we "Breathe in Love" and breathe out the attributes of love! For many of us, it may truly be our first breath.

Robert C. Morgan, Doctor of Naturopathy & Counselor


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